Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017, 8a – 5p
Sunday, Oct. 15, 2017, 10a – 4p
(lunch options available at registration)
Register by phone: 803-345-6181
Open to all levels of clay-workers (wheel throwers, hand builders and sculptors). Lora will throw a variety of forms, altering, assembling and decorating the pieces using her signature technique and patterns on the clay surface. Students will practice this unique decorating process, “Lora-lizing”, using Lora’s personally designed tools on slab tiles then begin decorating soft leather hard pieces that they have brought.
Each student brings 3 to 4 cups or bowls that are at the softer side of leather hard. They can be either hand built or thrown. It makes no difference. It’s important that with the techniques she is demonstrating that you be able to push/move the clay. (We’ll check them for the right consistency at the beginning of the workshop and make any adjustments we need, but aim for trimmed but still on the soft side of leather hard). Pieces can be in stoneware or porcelain. Clays with less grog (like porcelain or Little Loafers) are often easier to sponge and work with.
Make sure you are able to put your hand inside these pieces for support as you are pushing against the surface.
She asks that you not be invested in these pieces. In other words, get ready to experiment and play! We will experiment and practice the technique on 3×3 tiles before tackling your own pieces.
Lora will be bringing her special tools for sale (set of 3 tools with 2 profiles each for $15), but please bring your basic clay tools that you use. You may be able to use some of them for surface designs after she shows you how she uses her tools.
Other supplies to bring – water bucket, piece of egg crate foam or similar (10-12” square is ample), sponge, banding wheel (optional)
Also, Lora will be bringing some of her exquisite pieces for purchase.